Sunday, March 09, 2008

A More Spiritual Topic

Because it's Sunday, I feel like I should blog about a spiritual topic. Before I begin such a topic, allow me to discuss one thing about myself: I love explaining things. Here are some examples that I have entertained recently:
  • I feel alert because I went for a run.

  • I like Person X because she is optimistic.

  • I feel sleepy because I ate tons of sugar.

The world tends to focus on explaining things too.

  • Hillary Clinton won the New Hampshire primaries because she cried.

  • The economy is heading downhill as a result of the subprime lending.

  • Men are attracted to women because of symmetrical facial features and a .7 hip-to-waist ratio.

  • Person X is homosexual because of biological factors.

Clearly, the world does not factor into its explanations the spiritual aspect. But I marvel at how much I focus my thoughts on the material, tangible world without thinking about the spiritual. I may make the conclusion that prayer is useful because it helps to clear my mind, and fuel my desires. But if this is all prayer is good for, I might as well pray to a brick. The more complete truth is that prayer invites the Spirit of the Lord into my life. There is no material explanation for this. Nor is there a way to explain today how wonderful today was.

I think back to the car ride to church. We were running late and I was feeling bogged down with an overwhelming array of things that I needed to get done. In a word, I felt CRAPPY. But by the end of the meetings, there was a complete change in me. I could try and explain it a number of ways: I had meaningful interactions with friends, I met up with an old friend, etc. But all the explanations that I could possibly come up with from a purely worldly sense fall short. The missing explanation is that I had the Spirit with me. And with the Spirit, I am a different person.

I feel like the world is very confusing. I am impressed with the intellect of brilliant minds tackling complex issues, and I even want to follow them in their noble pursuit of knowledge. But I am also going to try and recognize the role of God (the Holy Ghost being His manifestation to us) in everyday life.


Unknown said...

Nice post Trent, yesterday was a good day. So is today.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the day turned around for you... and highly amused the .7 waist to hip ratio and facial symmetry worked into the blog.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Trentchcoat. :-)

Anonymous said...

(Though it has me wondering about my waist-to-hip ratio...)

the skiz said...

i was just wondering why you like a homosexual optimist

trentathon said...

Lindsey-you seemed to have fallen off the face of the planet...
Riva-you would be amused...
Sylvia-where did Trentchcoat come from?
Shauna-you are crazy.