Friday, April 20, 2012


I found out today that a peer of mine passed away last year. We had the same major in college. He was a really cool guy, who was doing cool things with his life. And now he is survived by his wife and child.

I don't know why, but finding out about his death and reading others' tributes to him had a really powerful effect on me. It made me realize how delicate life is. One moment you can be breathing, and performing other bodily functions and the next moment not.

Here's to life. Here's to living life to the fullest everyday. The only regret you should have each day is that it wasn't long enough.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry Trent. It's strange how things like this affect us. I don't know how close you were to this guy, but a girl from one of my wards died on her mission last August. She and I were never very close, but I always liked her and upon hearing about her death I felt so overcome with a strange feeling of regret that I hadn't known her better, and wasn't doing better with my own life.

Katy said...

Always tell everyone you love that you love them. That's the best advice a grief counselor once gave me. I'm sorry for your loss. Enjoy every moment like it is your last.

flats in kanpur said...

This is a wonderful opinion. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.