Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Mysteries of the Kingdom

I don't know how many times I've read the Book of Mormon (probably more than 30), but every time I read the book, I get new insights and perspectives. Last night as I was reading in the book of Mosiah, something caught my eye that I have never seen before, a mystery in my eyes. Mosiah 2 is King Benjamin addressing the people. Midway through verse 31, there is a my that has the "y" shifted down. I checked another Book of Mormon to make sure the shift was not just in my set and sure enough the same shifted "y" was there. I probably would never have noticed this, but for strange talents that you develop at law school.

The question remains, what is the purpose of this shifted y? How did it happen? And will my brother's digital Book of Mormon ipad app maintain the integrity of the printed version of the Book of Mormon by making sure the shifted y is preserved.


Wes said...

Thanks to the beauty of the HTML sub tag, I will make sure that the y is shifted!

SpeckUp said...

BYUTV made a documentary on the somewhat analog development of the ~1980 version of the LDS scriptures. The non-member compositors used hot lead "type writer" style machines to block in text.
Once a page was done, it was done, and shifting stuff around for a typo would have been pretty hard. I'm surprised there's not more superscript errors.